Human survival depends upon recognizing inefficiencies as the root cause of Climate Destabilization and taking control of human evolution to avoid them.
Two genders evolved because it was more efficient than hermaphrodite competition, such as sea slug penis fencing. As soon as one gender had genetic programming to bear the heaviest investment in the next generation, the free-rider gender was freed to compete amongst themselves with their "extra" energy. Physical competition does weed out deficient males with genetic predispositions for weakness or disease, but it's a crude decision tool. It introduces overwhelming inefficiencies - males which are extra big, extra strong, extra risky, and extra aggressive also have the advantage. So males evolve into bullies, designed above all for fighting and taking.
This inefficiency includes males killing babies, and not just camels, cats, and bull elephants. It's inefficient for human females to be reduced to baby machines, so half the brains and talent of the population is squandered. It's inefficient for men to loose the ability to recognize sadness in female faces, and similar traits of the psychopathy spectrum, because rapists have more babies.
Taking control of our own evolution will mean deciding what traits humans need for us to prosper together while controlling a planet, and selecting for those traits, as well as keeping our population level sustainable. Humanity 1.0, which evolved for a seemingly unlimited environment, is obsolete. For men, the most frightening part of that obsolescence is not just that Dominator Culture drives our race to self-destruction, but the instincts which underlie it. Men will no longer collectively and individually decide who gets to make babies and how often. "You want to cut off my balls?!" No. We need to separate sexual bliss (good) from domination/control (not good on a planetary scale).
Imagine engaging every adult in these choices globally (perhaps with well-designed computer gaming techniques), rather than having a Global Authority force it on you. Limits there will have to be. Which would you prefer?